Ulcinj, a small yet big – hearted town

Ulcinj, a small yet big – hearted town

Ulcinj, a small yet big-hearted town-MontenegroTranslated by Arijeta Ljeskovac

Ulcinj, the first love, should not sink into oblivion. The beaches, the sand with its curative properties, the promenade, the pine forest, and the last but not the least, the hospitality, are a few appealing reasons that attract tourists from all over the world.

Though a small town, Ulcinj offers a lot of warmth, peace and natural beauty that make this place stand out like a sore thumb. Our town is blessed with an amazing weather, making it compelling to tourists throughout the year.

Tourists have an unquenchable thirst to know more about the ancient values of this town. Every single tourist has been a person of his/her word, coming back every single year to visit the beauties of this town, and to savour the traditional specialties.

Ulcinj, a small yet big - hearted town-Big Ben Open Bar

The ground has been prepared for this season, i.e the accommodation and, the state and private beaches. A lot of trade fairs have been organized promoting the beauty and the activities of Ulcinj, coming out with flying colours. Both parties, i.e the local government and the tourists have come out satisfied throughout the ages.

The Municipality of Ulcinj along with the Tourist Board and the native citizens, are looking forward to a successful, prosperous and affluent season.

Ecotourism, a thriving industry, has mushroomed throughout Montenegro.

Ulcinj, a small yet big - hearted town-Restaurant-Bazar-Montenegro

Nevertheless, the crisis has taken its toll on tourism. More tourists are spending less days thus less money in Ulcinj. Families would spend seven up to ten days in Ulcinj, now they are fine with three of four.

Tourist from Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Macedonia, opt for private accommodation, while tourists from Czech Republic, Slovenia, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, and Hungary mainly go for hotels.

Apart from kilometers long sandy beaches, sand – along with its curative properties, bay Valdanos, the pines forest, the health effects of sulfur water, Ulcinj stands out for its 24/7 peace.

Ulcinj, a small yet big - hearted town-Studio 55 Ulcinj

The night clubs, restaurants, fast food chains, work around the clock during the summer.

Prior to checking the facilities, the tourists look forward to wifi passwords.

This small, but big-hearted town has been a welcoming place throughout the decades.

Video by Halil Ibroçi