Tourist Organization of Ulcinj at the Tourism Fair in Pristina

Tourist Organization of Ulcinj will appear this year at the Tourism Fair in Pristina which will be held from 6th to 9th May. In cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, National Tourism Organization of Montenegro, Local Organizations of Budva and Bar the complete Montenegrin offer in this fair is united. Ulcinj delegation was led by the Mayor Fatmir Djeka and director of Tourist Organization Zana Sarvan who had the honor to officially open this year’s fair. This fair which is held for over 12 years has approximately 30 exhibitors and the first day attendance was really tremendous. There was a great interest in Ulcinj, but also in other cities of Montenegro. Ulcinj Tourist Organization organized press conference for the media from Kosovo, where have attended well-known televisions such as RTK, KTV, TV21 , and newspapers as: Tribuna, Tema, Express, Bota sot and many more.
Ulcinj’s tourist offer was presented, and once again all citizens from Kosovo were invited to choose Ulcinj as a destination for their summer vacations. Furthermore, National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro at the press conference made a presentation of this year’s tourist offer. All attendants after the conference had the opportunity to enjoy in a cocktail, which was prepared with the traditional delicacies of our city.
Entrepreneurs who presented their offer within our stand were hotels such as Mediteran, Albatros, Grand Sahara, Giovani Trade, Copacabana beach and others.
It should be noted that the Montenegrin Ambassador in Kosovo Radovan Miljanic and director of the Tourism Association of Kosovo were guests of Ulcinj Tourist Organization.
We certainly hope that the number of tourists from Kosovo will be higher than last year, according to statement of Ulcinjs Expert Service.