The incredible walls of the Mosque of the Pasha at the small beach

The incredible walls of the Mosque of the Pasha at the small beach

Mosque of the Pasha on the Small beach-Ulcinj-2Translated by Aleksandar Gazivoda

It is Islamic complex the most important of that kind in Ulcinj – Ulqin,and it is located under the ancient walls of Old Town.

It was built in consecutive maner and contains a fountain which is built in the end of 17th century.

The Mosque of the pasha was built in 1719,while the Hammam and Turbe are built 25 years later.

Mosque of the Pasha on the Small beach-Ulcinj

This religious complex of Xhamia e pashe’s on the Small beach contains also the house which is built by pasha of Shkodra Jusuf Causholli.

The mosque’s shrine was built in respect of legendary admiral and conqueror of Ulcinj – Ulqin Ali pash Kilici (Uluxh Ali).

Mosque of the Pasha on the Small beach-Ulcinj-1

On the wall of the mosque was written in albanian language: “U hap me fat dhe perparim per popullin,le te jete per hair dhe shume kohe” which means “It was opened with luckiness and progress of the people,let it be with luck for a long time”

Including the Mosque of the Namazgjah it has the only preserved minaret in territory of Montenegro.
