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February 28, 2008 :: Ekonomia / Ekonomija :: Comments Off on Montenegro issues three VoIP licences

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Ulcinj.25.02.2008– Prirodna raskoÅ¡ i neslu?eni razvojni potencijal Ade Bojane odavno su u notesima najmo?nijih svjetskih investitora. Ali, naro?ito u posljednje vrijeme i predmet nove pažnje divljih graditelja iz Ulcinja i ostalih krajeva Å¡irom Crne Gore. I dok vlada o?ekuje dobar odziv na nedavno raspisani tender za izražavanje interesovanja investitora za ostrvo, divlji graditelji sa obije strane Bojane postavljaju Å¡ipove i grade luksuzne objekte ne kriju?i se pritom od o?iju javnosti i nemare?i mnogo za upozorenja nadležnih... Vazhdo
February 25, 2008 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Divlji graditelji brži od stranih investitora u Adi Bojani

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Balkan Travellers
13 February, 2008 | Thessaloniki and Montenegro are the two destinations recommended for 2008 by the Lonely Planet community of authors, staff and travellers.
Bluelist 2008 is the third edition of Lonely Planet’s popular annual title containing a collection of travel inspirations for the year ahead. It contains recommendations for trends, destinations, journeys and experiences.
Thessaloniki was listed among Lonely Planet’s twelve top-pick cities. Dubbed as a “spirited, energetic, forward-looking city,”... Vazhdo
February 16, 2008 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Thessaloniki and Montenegro are the two destinations recommended for 2008 by the Lonely Planet

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Podgorica – ZemljiÅ¡te, objekti i oprema Ulcinjske rivijere vrijede 60.802.459 eura,pokazala je najnovija procjena imovine ovog hotelsko -turisti?kog preduze?a.
To je utvrdila posebna komisija koju je formirao Vazhdo
January 27, 2008 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Ulcinjska rivijera procijenjena na 60,8 miliona eura