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Një grup nacionalist serb boshnjak paralajmëroi të enjten (14 shkurt) se do të shtyjë që Republika Srpska (RS) të shpallë pavarësinë nga Bosnje dhe Herzegovina (BiH) po qe se Kosova shkëputet nga Serbia.
“Në qoftë se Kosova shpall pavarësinë, ne do të kërkojmë pavarësi për Repubikën Serbe po ashtu,” tha kryetari i Lëvizjes Serbe të Shoqatave të Pavarura (SPONA) Branislav Dukiç në një konferencë shtypi në Banja Luka.
Në rast se ndonjë ish republikë jugosllave njeh deklarimin e njëanshëm që...
February 18, 2008 :: Rajoni / Region, Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Nacionalistët serbë boshnjakë kërcënojnë për shkëputje
Tags: bih, herzegovina, Kosova, kosovë, Kryetari, parlamenti, Policia, referendum, republika srpska, reuters, Serbia, Serbs
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Autoritetet nderkombetare kane nisur dje ne menyre te menjehershme levizjet e para ne mbeshtetje te pavaresise se Kosoves. Ne kryeqytetin e Irlandes, Dublin, Ministria e Puneve te Jashtme deklaroi dje pasdite zyrtarisht se “Irlanda do te njohe pavaresine e Kosoves, qe u shpall nga Parlamenti i Prishtines.
Shqiperia e pershendeti shpalljen e Kosoves shtet i pavarur. Kryeministri Sali Berisha tha se 17 shkurti “eshte dite e rilindjes se Kosoves, pas kaq shume sakrificash prej atyre qe luftuan per te mbrojtur nderin e tyre...
February 18, 2008 :: Rajoni / Region, Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Pavaresia, nis njohja nderkombetare
Tags: amerikan, bush, dublin, evropiane, Kosova, Kryetari, nacionale, Pakicat, parlamenti, Prishtin, Serbia, Serbs, SHBA
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17 February 2008 Podgorica _ While Montenegro’s Albanians were celebrating Kosovo’s independence, parties representing the country’s Serbs were calling for protests against the establishment of the newly-independent state.During the Kosovo Parliament’s sitting, convened to proclaim independence, residents of Tuzi and Ulcinj, areas with sizable Albanian populations, gathered in cafés and at the offices of ethnic Albanian parties, to start the celebrations.
Two Albanian parties in Montenegro, the Democratic Alliance, DS, and the...
February 17, 2008 :: Politika :: Comments Off on Montenegro: Mixed Emotions on Kosovo
Tags: 17 february, Albanian, albanians, balkan, balkans, democratic alliance, domino effect, dss, ethnic albanian, Europe, festivities, independence declaration, independent state, Kosovo, kosovo independence, mehmet, montenegrin, Montenegro, Podgorica, population, ranko, serb minority, Serbia, Serbs, snp, socialists, srdjan, Tuzi, ulcinj
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PODGORICA, SKOPJE — Montenegro’s ethnic Albanians should “celebrate Kosovo’s independence at home”.
The comment came form the president of the Democratic Union of Albanians (DUA)in that country, Ferhat Dinoša.
Dinoša told Beta news agency that the announced unilateral decision by Kosovo’s ethnic Albanians to secede from Serbia without Belgrade’s consent will cause “joy and celebration among all Albanians, wherever they live”.
Asked what sort of celebration can be expected in Montenegro,...
February 16, 2008 :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Albanians in Montenegro, Macedonia, prepare to celebrate
Tags: Albanian, albanian minority, beta news agency, democratic party, democratic union, dpa, DUA, ethnic albanian, festivities, gostivar, Kosovo, macedonian police, Montenegro, Podgorica, s, secession, Serbia, Serbs, skopje, tetovo, town squares, unilateral decision
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15 February 2008 Podgorica_ Negotiations on visa liberalisation between Montenegro and the European Union will start on February 21, according to Montenegro’s Minister of the Interior, Jusuf Kalamperovic.
In an interview carried by the Podgorica daily, Republika, on Friday, Kalamperovic said he expected the visa regime with the EU to be fully liberalized by the end of the year.
“The government expects Montenegro to be the first Balkan state that will liberalize its visa regime with the EU, despite the fact that Serbia was the first...
February 15, 2008 :: Lajmet / Vijesti :: Comments Off on EU, Montenegro to Start Visa Talks
Tags: academics, balkan state, border controls, business executives, european union, facilitation, Force, franco frattini, january 1, liberalisation, Montenegro, negotiations, Podgorica, republika, schengen, Serbia, travellers, visa regime, visa requirements
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Drejtori i Agjencise Dushko Markoviq, ne bisede me anetare te Komisionit per siguri nacionale, tha se behet fjale per ekstremiste te mireorganizuar, te po vezhgohen me kujdes nga sherbimet e sigurimit te Malit te Zi.Mbi 100 ekstremiste islamike, te cilet jane te nderlidhur me organizata ekstremiste te Lindjes se Afert, jane regjistruar ne Mal te Zi. Drejtori i Agjencise Dushko Markovic, ne bisede me anetare te Komisionit per siguri nacionale pran Parlamentit malazez, tha se behet fjale per ekstremiste te mireorganizuar, te po vezhgohen...
January 2, 2008 :: Lajmet / Vijesti :: Comments Off on Ne Mal te Zi evidentohen mbi 100 ekstremiste islamike
Tags: , Al Kaedes, Bosnja e Hercegovina, Drejtori i Agjencise, Dushko Markovic, lajme nga ulqini, Mali i Zi, Parlamentit malazez, Serbia, vijesti iz ulcinja