
Montenegro – Ulcinj: Prices cut by up to 35 percent
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Tourism offer of Montenegro presented at the Travel Fair in Pristina: The Tourism Minister Nenezic pointed out that in compliance with the strategic orientation of Montenegro a special attention has been paid to the markets in Central and Western Europe, and in the region. Montenegrin offer is defined by its quality, attractiveness and significantly lower prices. Podgorica – The Ministry of Tourism and the National Tourism Organization (NTO) presented Montenegrin offer at the Travel & Tourism Fair in Pristina yesterday. The Tourism... Vazhdo
Qytetarëve të Ulqinit,Hajdinaga ju uron Ditën e Evropës
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Kryetari i Komunës së Ulqinit Gëzim Hajdinaga, me rastin e Ditës së Evropës i ka dërguar një telegram urimi të gjithë qytetarëve të Ulqinit. Në urim ndër të tjera thuhet. Ju uroj Ditën e Evropës i bindur që në një të ardhme të afërt edhe ne do të jemi pjesë e Evropës së bashkuar. Ky është synimi ynë i përbashkët. Me nderime, I juaji, Kryetari i Komunës së Ulqinit Gëzim Hajdinaga Municipality of Ulcinj / Ulqin -Montenegro Arsllan Hajdinaga  Vazhdo
Radovic: Caterers should cut prices more
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 National Tourism Organization continues with the campaign and effort to attract more guests: The campaign “Take a deep breath” will be pursued via leading broadcasters and media in the region and the contracts will be signed with 18 TV stations while promotional video is customized to the neighboring markets. Released article on controversial poll regarding guests from Serbia – amended. Podgorica – Managing Director of the National Tourism Organization (NTO), Sasa Radovic, said yesterday that Montenegrin caterers and hoteliers... Vazhdo
Three hotels in Valdanos – environmental protection set as priority – Video
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 UK-based company Cubus Lux confirmed for Daily “Vijesti” that the project for former military resort near Ulcinj is prepared: Cubus Lux will present its concept solution which includes close cooperation with local community, local entrepreneurs, suppliers and business associates. According to initial forecast between 400 and 500 new jobs will be created. Podgorica – The Company “Cubus Lux plc” from London received with joy the news on invitation of the Government of Montenegro to negotiations regarding a long-term lease of the... Vazhdo
Ulcinj: Games without frontiers at Copacabana
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Mobil: Viber + Whatsapp: +382 69 335 534  : +382 69 335 512 Programme at the beach in Ulcinj: a treat for all tastes- musicians, magicians and models in bikini promoting the latest collection for the forthcoming season. Water sport competitions and sand sport competitions such as “Pro Beach Soccer” at Copacabana. Ulcinj – On the occasion of the season’s beginning and May 1st holiday, an interesting entertainment programme under the slogan “All to Copacabana” will be organized this year too on the Copacabana beach in Ulcinj.... Vazhdo

April 28, 2009  :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Ulcinj: Games without frontiers at Copacabana
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Montenegro: A place on the Adriatic
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Head to Montenegro before the tourist pack gets there. You can be forgiven if you are not able to find Montenegro on a map of the world. It is after all one of the youngest countries in the world, located on the Adriatic coast. Earlier a part of Yugoslavia, it is only in 2006 that it managed to separate itself from the title of Serbia and Montenegro through a referendum. This has led to the country finally coming out of the shadow of its fellow Balkan states. When compared to other European countries, it is perhaps the least known among... Vazhdo

April 26, 2009  :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Montenegro: A place on the Adriatic
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Montenegro: Valdanos isn’t exactly for the Russians
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Tender Commission for resort near Ulcinj invited “Cubus Lux” from UK to negotiations, “Mos City Grop” declined: joint bid of MCG from Russia and “MCG Montenegro” from Montenegro assessed as technically invalid since it neither had necessary bank guarantee for the bid nor other tender requirements for the complete tender documentation were met so the bid was retracted. Negotiations with “Cubus Lux” soon to be launched. Podgorica – The Tender Commission for implementation of the tourism development project for former military... Vazhdo
Valdanos nije baš za Ruse
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Tenderska komisija za odmaralište kod Ulcinja na pregovore pozvala britanski Cubus lux,Mos Siti grupa odbijena Podgorica – Tenderska komisija za realizaciju projekta turisti?ke valorizacije bivšeg vojnog odmarališta Valdanos kod Ulcinja, odlu?ila je ju?e da pozove na pregovore britansku kompaniju Cubus lux, dok je ponuda ruske Mos siti grupe(MCG) proglašena neispravnom. Tender za valorizaciju Valdanosa zatvoren je 15. aprila, a u predvo?enom roku ponude su dostavile kompanije Cubus Lux iz Velike Britanije i Mos siti grup. Na... Vazhdo

April 22, 2009  :: news :: Comments Off on Valdanos nije baš za Ruse
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Le Montenegro vise le tourisme de luxe
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Six stations balnéaires seront prochainement ouvertes aux investisseurs étrangers, notamment Velika Plaza. Le gouvernement du Montenegro a décidé de valoriser son littoral, dans l’espoir d’attirer les touristes de luxe. Il ouvre six stations balnéaires aux investisseurs étrangers, dont Velika Plaza, une plage de 13 km bordée par une ceinture de verdure près de la ville d’Ulcinj, au sud de la côte. Selon le ministère, la valeur de ce projet pourrait dépasser plusieurs milliards d’euros Email:... Vazhdo
Valdanos: Ponuda Mos city groupa neispravna
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 PODGORICA – Tenderska komisija za realizaciju projekta turisti?ke valorizacije Valdanosa odlu?ila je danas da pozove na pregovore britansku kompaniju Cubus lux, dok je ponuda rusko-crnogorskog konzorcijuma Mos city group proglašena neispravnom. Komisija je zaklju?ila da je ponuda Mos city grupe formalno neispravna jer ne postoji bankarska garancija, a u njoj nijesu ni zadovoljeni ni drugi traženi uslovi iz tenderske dokumentacije. “Komisija je zaklju?ila da nakon neophodnih razjašnjenja pojedinih elemenata ponude u?e u zvani?ne... Vazhdo

April 21, 2009  :: news :: Comments Off on Valdanos: Ponuda Mos city groupa neispravna
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