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Flood Emergency Appeal Ana Malit – Ulcinj Montenegro
Everyone is aware that there is a major humanitarian crisis in Ana Malit Ulcinj Montenegro due to the flooding. Many might not know that the flooding is not expected to let up for some time, with further rains predicted. The situation will likely continue to deteriorate during this time.
“… the scale of this disaster is unimaginable. Without additional funding, the grim reality is that thousands of children – smaller, weaker, more vulnerable – will succumb to spreading...
December 9, 2010 :: Lajmet / Vijesti, Ngjarjet - Events :: Comments Off on Flood Emergency Appeal Ana Malit – Ulcinj Montenegro – Video Exclusive
Tags: aider, aiuto, ajutor, Amull, Amulli, ana malit, apua, ayuda, Bijela Gora, BLerim Marshiqi, Bojkë, Bojku, Brajsha, Brajshe, braticë, Briska e Epërme, cabhrú le, Çapraj, Darza, Dodaj, Dragaj (Dragina), Dragina, Fraskanjeli, Fraskanjell, gezim salaj, Gjonzaj, help, helpen, HILFE, Hjálp, hjelp, hjælp, intervista, Intervju, jg?inu, Kaliman, Kalimani, Katerkolla, Klezna e Epërme, Klezna e Poshtme, Kllezna, Kllezna e Nalt, Kllezna e Poshtme, Kodër, Kolonza, Kosiq, Kosiqi, KRAVAR, Kravari, kruç, Krute, Kryetar i Shoqates Ana e Malit në New York, krytha, Krythë, Lajmet / Vijesti, Lisna Bora, Lisna Bore, Lulejt, Mali i Zi, Megjreqi, milla, Millë, Montenegro, Muriqani, Muzafer Koliqi, Naser Cobaj, NDIHMO, new york, Oblika, Pistull, Pomo?, pomocy, Rashtisha, Rastish, Reç, Salç, segítség, Selita, Shas, Shasi, Shëngjergj, shkodra, shoqata shqiptaro amerikane “Ana e Malit”, Shtegvasha, Shtodhër, Shtodri, Shtoj i Epërm, Shtoj i Poshtëm, Shtufi, SOS, Sukobina, Sukubina, Sukubinë, Suma, Sutjell, The flooding crisis in Ana Mali - Ulcinj - Montenegro_1, ulcinj, ulqin, ulqini, vijesti, yard?m, Zenelejt, Zogaj
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Në Ambasadën e Republikës Sllovake në Podgoricë, u nënshkrua marrëveshja për realizimin e një projekti social, mes Agjencisë sllovake për zhvillim dhe bashkëpunim ndërkombëtar (Slovak Aid) dhe organizatës së shoqërisë civile “HORIZONTI i RI…” nga Ulqini.
Marrëveshja u nënshkrua me shkëlqesinë e tij, Ambasadorin e Sllovakisë në Mal të Zi – Frantishek Lipka.
Horizonti Ngo Facebook
Pomoć i djeci i roditeljima
Ugovor Slovačke ambasade i NVO „Novi Horizonti” iz Ulcinja
Ulcinj – Sporazum...
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Independent – 01.11.2010
It has been a busy week for small-cap oil exploration and production (E&P) companies with an interest in the North Sea. The Government’s 26th offshore licensing round – postponed from early 2009 on account of the financial crisis – finally concluded. And out of 2,818 possible blocks on offer, a thoroughly healthy 114 licences covering 268 blocks have been awarded, with another 90 still undergoing environmental assessment which may yet turn into licences.
Last year, Cubus Lux won the tender for...
November 25, 2010 :: Bota :: Comments Off on Cubus Lux won the tender for the Valdanos project in Montenegro now what?
Tags: coast of Croatia, coast of Montenegro, coast of Ulcinj, Cubus lux, Cubus Lux and Sol Melia in Valdanos, Cubus Lux British, foreign investors, in Valdanos, Independent, investing 250 million euros, Montenegro, tender for the Valdanos, The Government's, ulcinj, Valdanos projec
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Foreign investors – Cubus Lux British and the Spanish Sol Melia – will be in an exclusive complex with 5-star hotel, investing around 250 million euros, and these facilities will be employed by about 1,000 workers.
For the ecological state is also an important fact: none of the olive tree in Valdanos will be cut, and the space will have fire protection system installed with a hydrant, say sources Portal Analytics.
Privatization Council last night gave the green light to begin the realization of one of the largest project on...
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Shtëpi tre katëshe për shitje, ka pamje fantastike kah rruga qe čon kah qyteti, ka një kopsht të bukur me lule,pushimore nga druri, ka 1 garazhe për tri vetuara,dhe 20 vende parkingu,Shtepija gjendet në një vend të qetë dhe shumë të mirë për banim.Ajo posedon 12 apartamente ku 10 prej tyne kan kondicione,kuzhin,dhe terrace.
Shtepija gjindet ne rrugen ku asht bri Hotel Imperialit,dhe gjithashtu viza –vije gjindet dhe restoranti Monako.
Gjindemi gjithashtu 900 metra nga plazhi MSM ne plazhin e madhe.
November 17, 2010 :: Ngjarjet - Events :: Komente (1)
Tags: Ada Bojana, apartamente ne shitje, apartments, apartments for Sale, APARTMENTS FOR SALE IM ULCINJ MONTENEGRO, apartments For Sale in Montenegro, apartments Investments Group, Banesa, banesa ne shitje, banese ne shitje, Crna Gora Nekretnine, Djerane II, dyqan ne shitje, For Sale Ulcinj, Free, Free Ulcinj Real Estate Listings, Gjerana, Immobilien, International Real Estate Listings & Property, kupim zemlju, Land and Homes for Sale, Land For Sale in Ulcinj, lease and rent, Lokacija, Lokacije, LOKALE, Lokale Afariste, Mali i Zi, Montenegro, naselje, Nekretnine Ulcinj, Patundshmëri, placeva, plazhi madhë, Primus Constructions Ulcinj Montenegro, Prodaja Ku?a, prodaja stanova, Prodajem, Prona, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate & Investment - Ulcinj, Real Estate For Sale, Real Estate for Sale: Montenegro-ulcinj, Real Estate Market in Montenegro, Real Estate Montenegro, Real Estate ulcinj, Real Estate ulcinj montenegro, Real Estate ulcinj-crna gora, Real Estate Wanted, Shitblerje, Shitja e Banesave ne Ulqin, shtëpi, SHTEPI NE SHITJE, Stanova, Tokë, toke ne shitje, troje, Truall, ulcinj, Ulcinj Houses for Sale Real Estate & Property Listings, Ulcinj Apartments, Ulcinj Nekretnine, Ulcinj Real Estate, Ulcinj-Pinješ, ulqin, Ulqin Patundshmëri, ulqini, za gradnju, zemlja, Zemljišta, zyre ne shitje
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Shitet shtepija 1 kateshe me 4800 m² trull ne lajgen Kullomzë 3 km afer Ulqinit stepija gjindet afer rrugës,shtepija ka nji renditje shum te mir kati perdhes ka dhom te dites me kuzhin 2 dhoma gjumi dhe banje .Trulli i shtepis e ka ni siperfaqe te rrafshte,kurse shtepija ka rrug, ujë dhe kanalizim shtepija ka shum pamje te bukur ne lindje dhe perendim në plazhin e madhë të Ulqinit.
Çmimi i shtëpis nji katëshe me 4800 m² trull-tokë 100.000€ dhe ka mundesi që çmimi të diskutohet.
Për ma tepër informata
November 14, 2010 :: Real Estate :: Comments Off on Shes shtepinë një katëshe ne Kulomzë të Ulqinit me 4800 m² tokë per 100.000 euro
Tags: Ada Bojana, apartamente ne shitje, apartments, apartments for Sale, apartments For Sale in Montenegro, apartments Investments Group, Banesa, Crna Gora Nekretnine, For Sale Ulcinj, Immobilien, kupim zemlju, Land and Homes for Sale, Land For Sale in Ulcinj, lease and rent, Lokacija, Lokale Afariste, Montenegro, patundeshmerija, Patundshmëri, placeva, Prodaja Ku?a, Prona, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate Montenegro, Shitblerje, shtëpi, shtepi ne shitje ne ulqin, Stanova, Tokë, Truall, truall ne shitje, ulcinj, Ulcinj Apartments, Ulcinj Nekretnine, Ulcinj Real Estate, ulqin, Ulqin Patundshmëri, ulqini, ulqinshitje, za gradnju, zemlja, Zemljišta
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Hana Cakuli është nga ato këngëtare, e cila godet jo vetëm me këngë, por edhe me stilin e saj skenik. Vishet bukur, me stil, pa dalë nga “kornizat”, pasi, siç thotë ajo, në skenë duhet t’i përkushtohet këngës dhe jo provokimeve fizike.
Është e vogël në moshë, por jo e vogël në sukses. Fundjavat i ka thuajse gjithnjë të zëna me koncerte live në pub-e të ndryshme. Kënga e saj më e fundit, është kënga “Dashuria e fatit tim”, e cila u pëlqye mjaft… e ndërsa ne e pyesim Hanën për dashurinë e...
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D’Olcinium Panorama in St. Petersburg International Property Show
Team has come back from “St. Petersburg International Property Show” and we have a few pictures for you. They are very pleased with the promotion of Ulcinj and the contacts they have established on the russian market. Good weekend in the beautiful town of St. Petersburg Luxurious apartments with a spectacular view of the Ulcinj old town and blueness of the Adriatic Sea provide a unique opportunity for all those who know how to enjoy the charms offered...
November 7, 2010 :: Reportazh / Reportaža :: Komente (1)
Tags: apartamente ne shitje, apartments, apartments for Sale, APARTMENTS FOR SALE IM ULCINJ MONTENEGRO, apartments For Sale in Montenegro, apartments Investments Group, Banesa, Crna Gora Nekretnine, For Sale Ulcinj, Free, Free Ulcinj Real Estate Listings, Immobilien, International Real Estate Listings & Property, kupim zemlju, Land and Homes for Sale, Land For Sale in Ulcinj, lease and rent, Lokacija, Lokale Afariste, Montenegro, Patundshmëri, placeva, Prodaja Ku?a, Prona, Property, Real Estate, Real Estate & Investment - Ulcinj, Real Estate For Sale, Real Estate for Sale: Montenegro-ulcinj, Real Estate Market in Montenegro, Real Estate Montenegro, Real Estate Wanted, Shitblerje, shtëpi, Stanova, Tokë, Truall, ulcinj, Ulcinj Houses for Sale Real Estate & Property Listings, Ulcinj Apartments, Ulcinj Nekretnine, Ulcinj Real Estate, ulqin, Ulqin Patundshmëri, ulqini, za gradnju, zemlja, Zemljišta
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Ihren Ruhestand Residenzen von 499 € – Vollpension pro Monat in Ulcinj Montenegro
Qualität Residenzen, Hotels, Villen und Apartments, alle geräumig und komfortabel Studio in zwei Kategorien unterteilt: Standard und Deluxe Studios und Apartments haben viel Stauraum. Sie sind möbliert und dekoriert mit Sorgfalt und viele haben Blick auf den Storstrøm Studios und Apartments haben viel Stauraum. Sie sind möbliert und dekoriert mit Sorgfalt und viele haben Meerblick sind meist mit Küchenzeile, dass selbst Mahlzeiten zubereiten...
November 1, 2010 :: Bota :: Comments Off on Ihren Ruhestand Residenzen von 499 € – Vollpension pro Monat in Ulcinj Montenegro
Tags: besser leben als in Deutschland, Die Senioren Residenz, Die Senioren Residenz montenegro, Die Senioren Residenz ulcinj, Lebensabend, Montenegro, relax ferien in montenegro, Rentner, Ruhestand, Ruhestand in montenegro, Ruhestand in ulcinj, Ruhestand Residenzen, Senioren, ulcinj, Urlaub in Ulqin / Ulcinj - Montenegro
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Italijanska Rai Uno televizija emitovaće sjutra u 14,30 specijalno izdanje emisije Lineablu posvećeno Crnoj Gori, saopšteno je iz Nacionalne turističke organizacije (NTO).
“Reportažu Speciale Lineablu in Montenegro, koja posebno ističe ambijentalne cjelina, kulturno-istorijske i arheološke znamenitosti, pripremale su ekipe italijanske televizije i NTO-a tokom septembra ove godine”, saopšteno je iz te organizacije.
Poseban osvrt napravljen je na podvodna arheološka nalazišta i...
October 9, 2010 :: news :: Comments Off on Lineablu in Montenegro – RAI UNO – Video
Tags: Alloggi, alloggi privati, appartamenti, Bed & Breakfast, benessere, casa, case private, Last minute, Lineablu in Montenegro, Montenegro, pensione, prenotazione, ristoranti, ulcinj, vacanze, viaggi