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Ryanair to Montenegro from June
The Montenegrin government and Ryanair have reached an agreement which will see Europeâs biggest no frills airline operate flights to the country over the next four years. It comes after more than a year of negotiations. Flights are expected to begin in June and will operate on a seasonal basis. From next year flights will launch at the start of the summer season, in late March. The government estimates that by 2015, Ryanair will bring some 50.000 tourists to the country. It has backed down from insisting...
March 31, 2012 :: Ngjarjet - Events :: Comments Off on Ryanair to Montenegro
Tags: a380, Adria Airways, air algerie, air berlin, air canada, air france, Air France-KLM, airbus airbus, AlgĂ©rie, alitalia, allemagne, american airlines, BH Airlines, boeing, bosnia and herzegovina, brĂ©sil, british airways, Canada, Chili, chine, croatia, croatia airlines, delta air, Flying to Montenegro, Japon, Jat Airways, klm, Libye, lines easyjet egypte emirates airlines Espagne etats-unis etihad airways france grĂšve iberia italie, low cost airline, Lowâcost Ryanair, lufthansa, Montenegro, Montenegro Airlines, new york, Podgorica, Qatar airways, Ryanair, sĂ©nĂ©gal, Serbia, singapore airlines, Slovenia, Summer 2012, Thailande, tivat, transavia, Tunisair t, ulcinj, urkish airlines, Winter 2012/13
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Ryanair ira bien au Monténégro
AprÚs une entente avec le gouvernement du Monténégro, Ryanair a annoncé la mise en place prochaine de 4 routes vers le pays.
Les deux aĂ©roports au MontĂ©nĂ©gro concernĂ©s par les lignes de la low cost irlandaise sont celui de Podgorica et celui de Tivat, en liaison estivale avec Londres-Stansted, Milan-Bergame et Charleroi. Selon le contrat signĂ© le 22 mars dernier, Ryanair desservira le MontĂ©nĂ©gro pendant 4 ans. Avant la signature du contrat, la low cost aurait demandĂ© une baisse dâau moins...
March 31, 2012 :: Bota :: Comments Off on Ryanair à Monténégro
Tags: Ă MontĂ©nĂ©gro, a380, air algerie, air berlin, air canada, air france, Air France-KLM, airbus airbus, AlgĂ©rie, alitalia, allemagne, american airlines, Appartement de vacances, appartements, Auto Camp - Tropicana - Ulcinj - Montenegro, bien-etre, Bienvenue au Ulqin / Ulcinj - MontĂ©nĂ©gro, boeing, Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine, brĂ©sil, british airways, camping car, campings, Canada, caravane, Caravane pliante, caravanes, chambres, chambres Ă louer Ă ulcinj, Chili, chine, comparateur, culture, delta air, derniere minute, des maisons, des restaurants, eurocampings, Ă©vĂ©nements, gites, guide, HEBERGEMENT, hĂ©bergement privĂ©, hĂ©bergements Ă Ulcinj Montenegro, hĂ©bergements de vacances, hĂ©bergements vacances, hotel, hĂŽtels a prix bon marchĂ©, info, Japon, klm, l'hĂ©bergement, le tourisme, les loisirs, les offres spĂ©ciales, Libye, lines easyjet egypte emirates airlines Espagne etats-unis etihad airways france grĂšve iberia italie, location de bigorre., location de vacance, location maison avec piscine, location saisonniĂšres, Location vacance, locations, locations de vacance, Locations de Vacances, Locations de Vacances Ă Ulcinj, locations entre particulier, Locations vacance, logement bon marchĂ©, logement pour 7 âŹ, logements de vacances, logements vacance, loisirs, louer villa, low cost airline, lufthansa, Luxury Summer Rentals, magazine, maison, Maison de vacances, maisons privĂ©es, mobile home, Montenegro, Montenegro Airlines, MontĂ©nĂ©gro des vacances Ă partir de 7⏠par Jour, nature, new york, pensions, Podgorica, programmes, Qatar airways, reservation, Ryanair, sĂ©nĂ©gal, singapore airlines, sports, Summer 2012, tente, Thailande, tivat, tourisme, transavia, Tunisair t, ulcinj, Ulcinj MontĂ©nĂ©gro, ulqin, ulqini, Une rĂ©duction est EXCLUSIVEMENT disponible pendant les mois de juin et de septembre, urkish airlines, vacances, vacances Ă MontĂ©nĂ©gro - location Ă Ulcinj, vacances Ă Ulcinj Montenegro, video ulcinj montenegro, voiture de camping, voyage, voyage au MontĂ©nĂ©gro, Voyage Ulcinj, week-end
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Vlada Äe uskoro potpisati ugovor sa lowâcost kompanijom Ryanair i to na Äetiri godine, saopĆĄtio je nakon sjednice Vlade pomoÄnik ministra za turistiÄki razvoj NebojĆĄa PopoviÄ, prenosi Antena M.
Po znatno jeftinijim cijenama graÄani Crne Gore moÄi Äe da putuju od juna, a konaÄna lista destinacija biÄe utvrÄena na sjutraĆĄnjoj sjednici odbora direktora te kompanije.
Vlada za tekuÄu godinu ima svoje favorite meÄu destinacijama koje Äe spajati letovi niskotarifne avio-kompanija Ryanair.
– Jedno od moguÄih rjeĆĄenja...
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NĂ« mbrĂ«mjen e ditĂ«s sĂ« shtunĂ«s me 17.03.2012 nĂ« ambientet e lokalit âLAMIGAâ nĂ« KrythĂ« u realizua promovimi i libritâBOJKU NĂ ANĂ TĂ MALITâ, tĂ« autorit Shaqir Ismailit.
Të pranishëm në këtë akt solemn ishin një numër i madhë njerizish si dhe figura të njohura intelektuale nga Ulqini,Ana Malit,Shkodra  e më gjerë. Promovimi u zhvillua mes personazheve të njohur të kultures dhe artit,spektaklit dhe politikës.Të gjithë me një qëllim, për të uruar autorin e librit z. Shaqir Ismailin i cili arriti...
March 18, 2012 :: Lajmet / Vijesti, Reportazh / ReportaĆŸa :: Comments Off on U mbajtĂ« promovimi i librit âBOJKU NĂ ANĂ TĂ MALITâ – Video
Tags: ana malit, Aruçij, Bardhij, bereqeti, Berjashij, Blaca, blektoria, BojkĂ«, BOJKU NĂ ANĂ TĂ MALIT, Bolejt, Brajshe, braticĂ«, Brisku nelt, Brisku pasht, bujqesia, Ăobaj, Cukaj, Curajt nelt, Curij pasht, DarzĂ«, Demirijt, Dodaj, Dragaj, Dragoviq, Durakij, Fraskanjell, Gjecbritij, Gjenashej, Gjenciq, Gjyrjani, Hajdarijt, Hardajt, Hutij, Kacaj, Kaleci, Kalimani, Kanaqi, katerkollĂ«, Klezna, KodĂ«r, Kolonza, Komisionin bamirĂ«s Bereqeti, Kosiq, Kovaçej, KrajĂ«, Kravari, KrythĂ«, Lekperij, Leskovac, Liarja, Lihari, Likaj, liqeni i shasit, Lisna Bore, lokaliâLAMIGA, Lubanijt, Lumi Buna, Lumin Buna, Madgueshi, Mali i Zi, Markashij, Maxhurej, Megjureç, Millajt, MillĂ«, Montenegro, MozhurĂ«, muriqn, Nazif Cungu, ndihma, ndihme humanitare, ostros, peraj, Pistull, Priftij, projet, Promovimi i librit, Ramushje, Rastish, Reç, Runji, Salç, sĂ« Ulqinit, Shaqir Ismaili, Shas, Shasi, ShĂ«ngjergj, Shkoder, shkodra, ShtodhĂ«r, Shtoji, Sjerci, sos ndihma, Subashij, SukobinĂ«, sukubon, Sutjell, Syrliq, Tafajt, ulqin, ulqini, Veliqi, Vuçkij, Zogaj
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Shoqata e ArtistĂ«ve dhe IntelektualĂ«ve âArt Clubâ nga Ulqini zgjodhi nĂ« Kuvendin e saj zgjedhor, tĂ« mbajtur tĂ« premten, kryetar tĂ« ri gazetarin dhe kritikun e filmit Ali Salaj. Ai Ă«shtĂ« kryeredaktor i gazetĂ«s âKoha javoreâ dhe korrespondent i ZĂ«rit tĂ« AmerikĂ«s nĂ« gjuhĂ«n shqipe pĂ«r Malin e Zi.
Pjesëmarrësit e Kuvendit vlerësuan kontributin dhe rezultatet e arritura nga kryetari i deritashëm, mr. Haxhi Shabani, sidomos në fushën e botimeve.
Kryetari i ri i âArt Clubâ-it premtoi se pĂ«rkundĂ«r vĂ«shtirĂ«sive...
March 17, 2012 :: Kulturë / Kultura, Lajmet / Vijesti :: Komente (2)
Tags: Ali Salaj, ana malit, art club ulcinj, art klub ulqin, Aruçij, Bardhij, beach voley, Berjashij, Blaca, BojkĂ«, Bolejt, Brajshe, braticĂ«, Brisku nelt, Brisku pasht, Ăobaj, Cukaj, Curajt nelt, Curij pasht, DarzĂ«, dasma, Demirijt, disco, disco klub, Dodaj, Dragaj, Dragoviq, Durakij, eskurzion, festa, Fraskanjell, gati, gĂ«zim hajdinaga, Gjecbritij, Gjenashej, Gjenciq, gjimnazi privat "Drita", Gjyrjani, Hajdarijt, Hardajt, Hotel Mediteran Resort, hotel mediteran Ulqin, hotelet, Hutij, Jozefina Topalli, Kacaj, Kaleci, Kalimani, Kanaqi, katerkollĂ«, Klezna, KodĂ«r, Kolonza, koncerte, kondicioner, Kosiq, Kovaçej, KrajĂ«, Kravari, Kryeministri Berisha, Kryetari i KomunĂ«s, Kryetari i âArt Clubâulqin, KrythĂ«, Lekperij, Leskovac, Liarja, Lihari, Likaj, Lisna Bore, Lubanijt, Lumin Buna, Madgueshi, Mali i Zi, Markashij, martesa, Maxhurej, Megjureç, Miami Beach, Millajt, MillĂ«, ministri i PunĂ«ve Publike, Montenegro, montenegro tour, MozhurĂ«, MSM BEACH, muriqn, ostros, peraj, pishina, Pistull, plazha copakabana, plazha tropicana, Priftij, pushime, Pushime ne plazhin e ulqinit, pushime ne ulqin, pushime ne ulqin.pushime te lira, Pushime Verore ulqin, QendrĂ«n pĂ«r KulturĂ«-Ulqin, Qurkaj, Ramushje, Rastish, Reç, restorant, restorant peshku, Runji, Salç, sĂ« Ulqinit, Selatin Gjeloshi, Shas, ShĂ«ngjergj, Shkoder, shkodra, ShtodhĂ«r, Shtoji, Sjerci, Sokol Olldashi, Sonica festival, Subashij, SukobinĂ«, sukubon, Sutjell, Syrliq, Tafajt, Transportit dhe Telekomunikacionit, ulqin, ulqini, Veliqi, vera 2011, Vuçkij, Zogaj
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âĂfarĂ« pĂ«rfitoj UNĂ, e çfarĂ« pĂ«rfiton QYTETI im?â
Komuna e Ulqini, OJQ âHorizonti i Riâ dhe Qendra pĂ«r Edukim Qytetar (CGO) nĂ« nga Podgorica organizojnĂ« TRIBUNĂ PUBLIKE nĂ« kuadĂ«r tĂ« projektit “Evropa nĂ« qytetin tim” i cili mbĂ«shtetet nga Delegacioni i Bashkimit Evropian nĂ« Mal tĂ« Zi.
Projekti “Evropa nĂ« qytetin tim”, synon tĂ« forcojĂ« kapacitetet dhe rolin e komuniteteve lokale dhe shoqĂ«risĂ« civile nĂ« Mal tĂ« Zi, nĂ« mĂ«nyrĂ«...
March 16, 2012 :: Lajmet / Vijesti, ShoqĂ«ria / DruĆĄtvo :: Comments Off on FtesĂ«: “Evropa nĂ« qytetin tim”,âĂfarĂ« pĂ«rfitoj UNĂ,
Tags: ana malit, Aruçij, Bardhij, bereqeti, Berjashij, Blaca, blektoria, BojkĂ«, Bolejt, Brajshe, braticĂ«, Brisku nelt, Brisku pasht, bujqesia, Ăobaj, Cukaj, Curajt nelt, Curij pasht, DarzĂ«, Demirijt, Dodaj, Dragaj, Dragoviq, Durakij, Fraskanjell, gĂ«zim hajdinaga, Gjecbritij, Gjenashej, Gjenciq, Gjyrjani, Hajdarijt, Hardajt, Hutij, IntervistĂ«, Kacaj, Kaleci, Kalimani, Kanaqi, katerkollĂ«, Klezna, KodĂ«r, Kolonza, Komisionin bamirĂ«s Bereqeti, Komuna e Ulqini, Kosiq, Kovaçej, KrajĂ«, Kravari, Kryetari i KomunĂ«s ulqinit, KrythĂ«, Lekperij, Leskovac, Liarja, Lihari, Likaj, liqeni i shasit, Lisna Bore, Lubanijt, Lumi Buna, Lumin Buna, Madgueshi, Mali i Zi, Markashij, Maxhurej, Megjureç, MILAIM MUSTAFA, Millajt, MillĂ«, Montenegro, MozhurĂ«, muriqn, Nazif Cungu, ndihma, ndihme humanitare, OJQ Horizonti i Ri, ostros, peraj, Pistull, Priftij, projet, Ramushje, Rastish, Reç, Runji, Salç, sĂ« Ulqinit, Shas, Shasi, ShĂ«ngjergj, Shkoder, shkodra, shqiptarĂ«t nĂ« Malin e Zi, ShtodhĂ«r, Shtoji, Sjerci, sos ndihma, Subashij, SukobinĂ«, sukubon, Sutjell, Syrliq, Tafajt, Tahir Tahiri, ulqin, ulqini, Veliqi, Vuçkij, Xhemal Peroviq, Zogaj
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The CNA (Center for Non-violent Action) Peace Building Training will start on April 20 in Ulcinj, Montenegro and last until April 30. Candidates from all ex-YU countries are invited to participate in the event.
The Peace Building Training is a kind of peace education that the Centre for Non-Violent Action (CNA) practices for 14 years now, working with people from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro, and in this way it encourages the collaboration and building of trust in the region...
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Montenegro is a small country a unique synergy of the coast and its hinterland from the mountain region,” said Juergen Bick, president of the German Tourism Association
Germans returning to Montenegro. On the coast, but also in the mountains, which in recent times during summer is a favorite destination for European tourists, according to news.
The interest of German Agency for Montenegrin coast, and its hinterland, was widely reported in the traditional international tourist fair “ITB 2012″ held in Berlin. A Tourism...
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Today MANS submitted to all party caucuses in Montenegroâs Parliament a suggested âDecision on Amending the Spatial Plan of Montenegro till 2020,â alongside a request that it be taken up in the assembly.
MANSâ initiative seeks to protect the public interest, which was seriously neglected during the privatization of the Ulcinj Saltworks, when some 15-million m2 of land was sold at a very low price. At the time this area was classified as âindustrialâ and not as potential âconstruction developmentâ property, which is the...
March 9, 2012 :: Ngjarjet - Events :: Komente (1)
Tags: MANS, Montenegro, privatization of Ulcinj, Spatial Plan, Spatial Plan of Montenegro for 2020, Spatial Plan of Ulcinj, tourism development, Ulcinj MontĂ©nĂ©gro, Ulcinj Saltworks, Ulcinjâs salt factory
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(Podgorica, 28 December 2011) â MANSâ proposal to amend the Spatial Plan of Montenegro for 2020 entered the legislative process thanks to to the support of opposition parties and ruling-coalition members from the Bosniak Party.
Last week MANS submitted to all party caucuses suggested amendments to the Spatial Plan as it relates to the Ulcinj Saltworks. The proposal suggests restoring the area of the saltworks to a special regime of protection as a monument of nature and to preserve its existing land use designation.
MANSâ initiative...