Low–cost Ryanair

Ryanair to Montenegro
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Ryanair to Montenegro from June The Montenegrin government and Ryanair have reached an agreement which will see Europe’s biggest no frills airline operate flights to the country over the next four years. It comes after more than a year of negotiations. Flights are expected to begin in June and will operate on a seasonal basis. From next year flights will launch at the start of the summer season, in late March. The government estimates that by 2015, Ryanair will bring some 50.000 tourists to the country. It has backed down from insisting... Vazhdo
Low cost Ryanair së shpejti fluturime për Mal të Zi
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Kompania Ryanair nga Britanija e Madhe, ka konfirmuar edhe disa zëdhënësa të ministrisë përkatëse nga Mali i Zi, që ato kan bërë kërkesë që të fillojnë fluturimet ajrore low cost me kompanin  Ryanair nga Britanija e Madhe që nga muaji qershorë 2012, dhe fluturime  kto që me mundësi të zgjerohet edhe më tej në të ardhmen deri më 2015,deklaroi Zëvendësministër i zhvillimit të qendrueshëm dhe turizmit, Nebojsha Popovic për Antena M. Kjo kompani, qysh nga qershori të  ketij viti 2012, pritet t`u japë fund... Vazhdo
Low-cost Ryanair to start flying to and from Montenegro in June 2012
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Podgorica, Montenegro (22 March 2012) – On today’s Cabinet meeting, the Government of Montenegro has adopted a draft model of cooperation with low-cost company Ryanair, which will start flying to and from Montenegro this June. Representatives of the Government, Airports of Montenegro and Ryanair agreed on the following elements of future cooperation: the contract will be signed for the period 2012-2015. Ryanair will operate flights eight months per year, from March to October. The number of flights will increase in the following years,... Vazhdo

March 23, 2012  :: Bota :: Komente (2)
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Low cost Ryanair uskoro u Crnoj Gori
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Vlada će uskoro potpisati ugovor sa low–cost kompanijom Ryanair i to na četiri godine, saopštio je nakon sjednice Vlade pomoćnik ministra za turistički razvoj Nebojša Popović, prenosi Antena M. Po znatno jeftinijim cijenama građani Crne Gore moći će da putuju od juna, a konačna lista destinacija biće utvrđena na sjutrašnjoj sjednici odbora direktora te kompanije. Vlada za tekuću godinu ima svoje favorite među destinacijama koje će spajati letovi niskotarifne avio-kompanija Ryanair. – Jedno od mogućih rješenja... Vazhdo

March 23, 2012  :: news :: Comments Off on Low cost Ryanair uskoro u Crnoj Gori
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