Holidey Romms ?obi from 5€

Velika Plaza Ulcinj Montenegro
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Mobil: Viber + Whatsapp: +382 69 335 534  : +382 69 335 512 Ulcinj’s Velika Plaza, also known as Long Beach (and Plazha Madhe in Albanian), is one of Montenegro’s great natural assets – it is the country’s longest contiguous beach and its most famous beach. Some locals like to call this 13-kilometer stretch of Montenegro’s coast, the “Copacabana of Ulcinj”. It spreads out from Djerane Cape to Ada Bojana. The beach is well-know for being covered with the finest sand (the diameter of a grain is... Vazhdo
All Holiday  in Montenegro  Ulcinj,Holiday Romms Cobi
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Home: +382 30 423 094 Mobile: +382 69 027 347 + Viber Holiday  Romms Cobi is located in Ulcinj , exactly in the section called Pinjesh. Holiday  Romms ?obi is far enough so that you may be in peace there, but at the same time it is close enough to get to the beach or the town centre in three minutes by car. Holiday Romms ?obi is located 300 meters from the seacoast, 200 meters from the monument and 30 meters from the minimarket. It is 1 km far from the bus stacion and 80 km from the airport of Podgorica. A new modern house and the... Vazhdo