Casino in Montenegro

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Adnan Gjinaj fitojë një emër edhe në Shqipëri. Më pas Adnan Gjinaj ka dalë që nëpërmjet këtij emri dhe si ulqinakë shqipëtar të përcjellin vlerat e kombit tonë në mbarë botën.Për së pari talenti i tijë u pa në revistat françeze të modave sikurse Lanvin, Kenzo, Jil Sander, Burberry, Prada, ZZegna, Neil Barrett, Gaspard Yurkevich, Yves Saint Laurent, Cerruti, Kenzo, Peter Petrov, Lanvin, Dunhill,Qasimi, ZZegna, Marc Jacobs,Topman ,J.W Anderson.
Më pas Lajme nga Ulqini morri lirin të shkruaj mbi Adnan Gjinaj,ku... Vazhdo
March 30, 2011 :: Lajmet / Vijesti :: Komente (1)

Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 – Interim pre-tax losses at Croatia and Montenegro tourism and leisure specialist Cubus Lux rose to £1.4m – up from £0.6m last time.
And it says there are contingency plans to streamline the company if new financing which is expected early in the new year is delayed.
Revenues for the six months to the end of September fell to £679,000 – down from £965,000 a year ago.
Executive chairman Dr. Gerhard Huber said: “With the combination of Croatian’s progress towards EU membership and the... Vazhdo
January 3, 2011 :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Komente (2)

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The popularity of the Montenegrin shore and some new infrastructural facilities on it, such as prestigious hotel Splendid, are beginning to find its place in the top notch Vazhdo
January 9, 2008 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Why has James Bond chosen Montenegro?