Bjordi Mezini
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Kane punuar fort per nje projekt qe ne te gjithe e kemi ndjekur me aq vemendje sic ishte edicioni i dyte i “Dancing with the stars”, i cili vijoi transmetimin per 12 jave, ku ne fund fitoi aktori i njohur kosovar, Enver Petrovci. Por, natyrisht, nje element i rendesishem qe na bente ta ndiqnim me shume endje ishte dhe pjesemarrja e ciftit aq te pelqyer sic jane Bjordi Mezini dhe Adelajada Xhamani. Dy te rinjte benin forumin dhe strishat e mbasdites se ketij programi, duke na sjelle pak nga mbrapakuintat e VIP-ave ne gare se bashku...
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Nesër pasdite Bjordi dhe Adela do rikthehen në ekran si këngëtarë. Sipas informacioneve tona kënga është shumë e bukur, por me një tekst paksa provokativ. Le t’i pyesim vetë ata se çfarë ndjejnë pak orë para debutimit.
Nesër do këndoni për herë të parë këngën tuaj tek “E diela shqiptare”. Si ndiheni?
Bjordi: Nga njëra anë mezi po pres. Nga ana tjetër kam edhe pak frikë se është hera e parë që këndoj në skenë.
Adela: Kam shumë, shumë emocione.
Cila ishte rruga që ndoqët për të realizuar këtë...
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Komente (24)
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Intervista me Adelen, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Komente (6)
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Intervista me Bjordin, Nata Finale, qetsori fernaj, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Comments Off on Big Brother Albania 2, Nata Finale, Intervista me Adin
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Interviste me Adin, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Komente (2)
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, Qetsori merr cmimin, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Komente (3)
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Fiton Qetsori Ferunaj, Nata Finale, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Komente (2)
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Eleminimi i Bjordit, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Comments Off on Big Brother Albania 2, Nata Finale, Eleminimi i Adit
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, ardian pojana, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Eleminimi i Adit, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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May 17, 2009 :: Big Brother 2 Albania - Shiko Live :: Comments Off on Big Brother Albania 2, Nata Finale, Surpriza per Adin
Tags: Adelajda Xhamani, Big Brother, big brother albania, big brother albania 2, Big Brother Albania 2 Live, big brother albania live, big brother live, Bjordi Mezini, Nata Finale, qetsori ferunaj, Surpriza per Adin, thash e theme, thashetheme, thashetheme big brother albania
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