
Beogradski analiti?ar Dušan Janji? o?ekuje da Crna Gora prizna Kosovo tek poslije izbora
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Samoubila?ki je pratiti Srbiju Zagreb – Direktor beogradskog Foruma za etni?ke odnose Dušan Janji? izjavio je da ne o?ekuje da Podgorica prizna Kosovo prije izbora sljede?e godine u Crnoj Gori, ocjenjuju?i da zbog takve eventualne odluke ne bi došlo do prekida diplomatskih odnosa izme?u Srbije i Crne Gore. Janji? je kazao “Vijestima” da je ubije?en da ?e nova Vlada Srbije morati da odustane od prakse da dovodi u pitanje diplomatske odnose sa zemljama koje priznaju Kosovo. “To tendencijski zna?i da do kraja godine prekine odnose... Vazhdo

June 28, 2008  :: Lajmet / Vijesti, Rajoni / Region, Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Beogradski analiti?ar Dušan Janji? o?ekuje da Crna Gora prizna Kosovo tek poslije izbora
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Turisti?ki preporod Crne Gore
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Svake nedjelje otkrijemo po neko ljetovalište koje je bilo i poznato i zaboravljeno , a koje sada ponovo razgorjieva svoj žar. Danas je to Crna Gora gdje su uticajni jugoslovenski komunisti prolazili pored holovudskih zvijezda , sve dok rat nije natjerao posjetioce da pobjegnu… “Do 80-ih godina, hiljade tursita dolaze da tu provedu sun?ano ljeto koje manje košta nego ljeto u Francuskoj ili Italiji. Crna gora je još uvijek jugoslovenska republika , evropska rodjaka koja luta : niti je potpuno na Istoku ni na Zapadu.1992., kada se... Vazhdo
Kosovo Neighbours Wary Of Recognition
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 26 February 2008 Brussels _ Macedonian and Montenegrin Presidents visiting Brussels Tuesday said their countries will not begin the process of recognising Kosovo immediately. Macedonia’s Branko Crvenkovski said his country as a European Union and NATO candidate has obligations to follow the common foreign policy in both blocs, and consensus there appears to be absent as yet. He added there are other factors too. “One of them is that in defining our position towards the independence of Kosovo, we are obliged to take into account... Vazhdo

February 26, 2008  :: Lajmet / Vijesti :: Comments Off on Kosovo Neighbours Wary Of Recognition
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Crna Gora blizu ukidanja viza
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 22.02.2008-Potpredsjednik Evropske komisije Franko Fratini kazao je ju?e da ?e Brisel tokom pregovora o liberalizaciji viznog režima svaku državu Zapadnog Balkana vrednovati pojedina?no, istovremeno ocjenjuju?i da je Podgorica “postigla zna?ajne rezultate” u oblastima vezanim za ovaj proces. Štampa piše da je to ohrabrilo ministra unutrašnjih poslova i javne uprave Jusufa Kalamperovi?a da na po?etku pregovora o liberalizaciji viznog režima izrazi nadu da ?e državljani Crne Gore do kraja godine putovati bez viza u 24... Vazhdo

February 22, 2008  :: Bota :: Comments Off on Crna Gora blizu ukidanja viza
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Ski Champion Praises Montenegro’s Stunning and Unexplored Mountains
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Balkan Travellers 21 February 2008 | Montenegro – which traditionally attracts tourists in the summer with its stunning Adriatic coastline, may soon get a boost for its winter tourism too. The Durmitor Mountain in the northern part of the country was recently highlighted, after Boris Strel – who won the giant slalom world cup for Yugoslavia in 1981, skied down and commented on its best slope, Savin Kuk. “This place has phenomenal conditions for winter sports, and with a little extra work this could become a top ski resort,” Strel... Vazhdo

February 21, 2008  :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Ski Champion Praises Montenegro’s Stunning and Unexplored Mountains
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Österreicher wird neues EU-Delegationsbüro in Montenegro managen
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Rund 40 Experten sollen in der EU-Niederlassung in Podgorica arbeiten. Leiter wird der Niederösterreicher Leopold Maurer. Spannende Zeiten stehen bevor: Denn Montenegro zieht es in Richtung EU. Brüssel. Die EU-Kommission eröffnet im März ein Delegationsbüro in Montenegro. Leiter wird der Österreicher Leopold Maurer. Bis zum Sommer soll der Personalstand 20 Mitarbeiter erreichen, bis Mitte 2009 wird auf rund 40 Beschäftigte aufgestockt. “Wir übernehmen Personal der Agentur für den Wiederaufbau, die mit Jahresende geschlossen... Vazhdo

February 20, 2008  :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Österreicher wird neues EU-Delegationsbüro in Montenegro managen
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Libéralisation du régime des visas pour Monténégro
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 M. Dragutin Mate, Ministre de l’Intérieur slovène, qui préside le Conseil de l’UE dans le domaine des affaires intérieures, participera à la cinquième conférence ministérielle annuelle sur la coopération dans le domaine de la sécurité frontalière des Balkans occidentaux qui aura lieu du 21 au 23 février 2008 à Budva, Monténégro, à l’invitation de M. Jusuf Kalamperovi?, Ministre de l’Intérieur et de l’administration publique du Monténégro, et de M. dr. Theodor Winkler, Ambassadeur et Directeur du Centre pour... Vazhdo

February 20, 2008  :: Rajoni / Region :: Comments Off on Libéralisation du régime des visas pour Monténégro
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Montenegro: Mixed Emotions on Kosovo
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 17 February 2008 Podgorica _ While Montenegro’s Albanians were celebrating Kosovo’s independence, parties representing the country’s Serbs were calling for protests against the establishment of the newly-independent state.During the Kosovo Parliament’s sitting, convened to proclaim independence, residents of Tuzi and Ulcinj, areas with sizable Albanian populations, gathered in cafés and at the offices of ethnic Albanian parties, to start the celebrations. Two Albanian parties in Montenegro, the Democratic Alliance, DS, and the... Vazhdo
Das Kosovo will Unabhängigkeit erklären
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Das Kosovo will Unabhängigkeit erklären Taci: “Wir haben unseren eigenen Zeitplan” Seit fast neun Jahren wird das Kosovo nun von den Vereinten Nationen verwaltet, ohne dass sich eine einvernehmliche Lösung hat finden lassen. Der Staat, zu dem diese Provinz immer noch gehört, ist in diesen Jahren kleiner geworden. Montenegro ist heute ein unabhängiger Staat. Warum nicht auch wir? – fragen die Kosovaren. Die Karte zeigt grün die Befürworter der Unabhängigkeit in Europa – rot die Gegner. Das sind vor allem... Vazhdo

February 15, 2008  :: Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Das Kosovo will Unabhängigkeit erklären
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