Aerodrom i u Ulcinju

Invitation for expressions of interest in the development of Ada Bojana
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 Government of Montenegro Ministry of Tourism and the Environment Invitation for expressions of interest in the development of Ada Bojana island, an unspoiled asset on the Adriatic Coast The Ministry of Tourism and the Environment, on behalf of the Government of Montenegro, invites experienced international investors with a proven track record in the design, construction, management and marketing of exclusive multi-use resorts to express their interest in the development, construction and management of Ada Bojana, a unique resort island... Vazhdo

March 14, 2008  :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Invitation for expressions of interest in the development of Ada Bojana
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Aerodrom i u Ulcinju?
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 24 I u Ulcinju Aerodrom je mogu?? Ulcinj – Akcioni plan pripreme ljetnje turisti?ke sezone, koji je izradilo Ministarstvo turizma, definisao je osnovne probleme i adekvatan je sa onim što su limitiraju?e okolnosti za rast turisti?kog prometa. Me?utim, borba protiv sive ekonomije i povratak na tržište Njema?ke imperativ su narednog perioda – zaklju?eno je na sjednici Odbora za turizam i ugostiteljstvo Privredne komore Crne Gore, koja je održana ju?e u “Dvorima Balši?a” u ulcinjskom Starom gradu. Ste?ajni upravnik “Ulcinjske... Vazhdo

March 12, 2008  :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Aerodrom i u Ulcinju?
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