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PODGORICA – U Crnoj Gori boravi oko 30,4 hiljada turista, 11 odsto manje nego u istom periodu prošle godine, saopšteno je iz Ministarstva turizma.
Prema ranijim procjenama Ministarstva, Crnu Goru ?e ove godine posjetiti oko 1,1 milion turista, što je na nivou prošle. Turisti ?e ove godine, prema o?ekivanjima, ostvariti 7,7 miliona no?enja, uprkos globalnoj ekonomskoj krizi.
Prema procjenama Svjetskog savjeta za turizam i putovanja (NjTTC) prihodi od crnogorskog turisti?kog sektora bi?e ove godine neznatno ve?i nego prošle, dok... Vazhdo
June 21, 2009 :: news :: Comments Off on Turista 11% manje nego prošle godine

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Campaign of the hotel company “Budvanska Rivijera”: In order to attract as many tourists as possible from the neighboring Serbia, which once were our most loyal guests, to come to the metropolis of tourism, the hotel & tourism company “Budvanska Rivijera” initiated the campaign with discount prices exclusively for partners from Serbian market.
Budva – In order to attract as many tourists as possible from the neighboring Serbia, which were once our most loyal guests, to come to the metropolis of tourism, the hotel & tourism... Vazhdo
June 1, 2009 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Discounts price for guests from Serbia

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Though the crisis leaves summer resorts desolated, some caterers from Budva still do not drop prices: Even if the metropolis of tourism is on the verge of bankruptcy in months, appeals for reducing prices urgently made by holiday landlords in the Montenegrin Tourism Association and the highest government officials are still not taken seriously enough.
Budva – It seems that the crisis which threatens to desolate even the most famous summer resorts in the Mediterranean is taken for granted in Budva since, unfortunately, Budva’s “hot”... Vazhdo
May 10, 2009 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Montenegro: Guests driven off by stiff prices