250 million euros

Cubus Lux and Sol Melia in Valdanos investing 250 million euros
Warning: Undefined array key "p" in /home/httpd/vhosts/florianburi.ch/visit-ulcinj.com/blog/wp-content/plugins/limit-post.php on line 24 Foreign investors – Cubus Lux British and the Spanish Sol Melia – will be in an exclusive complex with 5-star hotel, investing around 250 million euros, and these facilities will be employed by about 1,000 workers. For the ecological state is also an important fact: none of the olive tree in Valdanos will be cut, and the space will have fire protection system installed with a hydrant, say sources Portal Analytics. Privatization Council last night gave the green light to begin the realization of one of the largest project on... Vazhdo