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Ju ftojmë të merrni pjasë në
Protesta dhe performansa do të fillojë në ora 13:00 para ndërtesës së Komunës së Ulqinit të hënën me 02.06.2008.
Kjo protestë i dedikohet shpalljes ndërkombëtare për interesimin që në Ullishtën e Valdanosti të ndërtohen kapacitete hoteliere, poashtu edhe shpalljes së tenderit që të jepet me qira për një afat të pacaktuar gjiri i Valdanosit dhe Mendra.
Protesta do të organizohet nga Këshilli për kthimin e pronave...
May 29, 2008 :: Intervista / Intervju, Shtypi / Mediji :: Comments Off on Ftes pĂ«r Shetitje protestuese âPĂ«r kthimin e pronĂ«s nĂ« Valdnaosâ
Tags: Bujanovc, Crna Gora, Ferizaj, Gjakov, Gjilan, Gjirokaster, gostivar, Mali i Zi, Mitrovic, Montenegro, Pej, Podgoric, Preshev, Prishtin, Protestna Setnja za valdanos ulcinj, Rahovec, Shetitja Protestuese për Valdanos ulqin, Shkoder, Shkup, tetov, Tiranë, tivar, ullishta, ulqin, ulqini, Valdanos, Valdanosi, Vushtrri
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Ulcinj installĂ©e sur un patrimoine entre deux baies est la plus grande ville du littoral Adriatique. La ville est Ă©voquĂ©e dĂšs la pĂ©riode romaine. Des vestiges de cette pĂ©riode et celle de lâadministration byzantine sont conservĂ©s jusquâĂ nos jours.
La plage dâUlcinj est la plus longue sur la cote adriatique comparĂ©e Ă la Copacabana brĂ©silienne. Elle sâĂ©tire sur 14,9 km.
Baignade et dĂ©jeuner sur lâile dâAda Bojana sont les incontournables
Un phĂ©nomĂšne naturel unique existe Ă Ulcinj il sâagit dâune ile de...
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Montenegro is a country in Europe located close to Serbia, Croatia, Albania, and Kosovo. It is also composed of the Highlands, Old Montenegro, Old Herzegovina, and the Bay of Kotor, to name a few. The topography of the country is basically characterized by its rugged European mountains, river valleys, and long coast, which is facing the Adriatic Sea and a common venue for a good sailing in Montenegro.
A yacht charter can cruise all the way to the Gulf of Kotor, or Boka Kotorska Bay. It’s a fjord positioned in the southernmost portion...
May 27, 2008 :: Shtypi / Mediji, Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Dreaming Of A Sailing Charter? Try Montenegro
Tags: Becici, Boka Kotorska Bay, Budva, Dobrota, Europe, Gulf of Kotor, Maestral, Milocer, Montenegro, Perast, Przno, Risan, ulcinj, Velika plaĆŸa
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ULCINJ, Montenegro, (AFP) – Looking beyond another summer for its record-breaking tourism industry, Montenegro plans to turn a chain of beaches into upscale resorts to shore up a post-independence economic bonanza. Singled out for development are around half a dozen locations along the tiny Adriatic state’s cove-indented coastline, including several communist-era military facilities. Central to the plans is Velika Plaza — a 13 kilometre-long beach of sweeping fine sands for which the government is seeking foreign investors...
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Faqja e jon ju Ofron Shërbime turistike FALAS
Vizitorë të nderuar:
Net-faqja e vetme Ulqinake âvisit-ulcinj.comâ qĂ« ofron shĂ«rbimet e shpalljeve FALAS Ă«shtĂ« nĂ« shĂ«rbimin tuaj.
Nëse dëshironi që shpallja juaj të publikohet në fletën ton turistike,atëherë ju lutemi që të antarsoheni dhe të jepni përgjegjet e sakta në net-faqen e bashkëpuntorit tonë.Mbas kontrollit të shpalljes nga administratori ajo do të vendoset në faqen hyrse të
Faqja turistike momentalisht asht në version Anglisht,Frangjisht...
May 21, 2008 :: Turizmi / Turizam :: Komente (3)
Tags: copacabana ulcinj, hotel ulqin, hĂŽtels, Kosova, Mali i Zi, Maqedonija, Montenegro, montenegro tourisme plage, montenegro ulcinj, Shpallje Falas, Shpallje Falas per shitjen e shtepis se juaj, Shpallje Falas per villat e juaj, Shpallje Falas Real Estate, Shpallje Falas turistike, shqiperija, tourisme, Ulci?, ulcinj, ulqin, ulqin hotel, ulqini, ulqini 2007
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PODGORICA – Interesovanje za turisti?ku valorizaciju Valdanosa i Ostrva cvije?a iskazalo je 16 kompanija ili konzorcijuma, saopĆĄteno je iz Kabineta potpredsjednika Vlade za ekonomsku politiku.
Radi se o 13 renomiranih me?unarodnih kompanija â ”JNR Limited” (Rothschild), ”Cubus Lux” i ”Sheba Development Company” iz Velike Britanije, ”The King Kamehameha Group” iz Njema?ke, ”The Cordish Company” â USA, Falkesteiner ”Michaeler Tourism Group” iz Austrije, ”Dolphin...
May 21, 2008 :: Ekonomia / Ekonomija, Shtypi / Mediji, Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Za Valdanos i Ostrvo cvije?a zainteresovano 16 kompanija
Tags: copacabana ulcinj, hotel ulqin, hĂŽtels, Montenegro, montenegro tourisme plage, montenegro ulcinj, tourisme, Ulci?, ulcinj, ulqin hotel, ulqini, ulqini 2007
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The worldâs youngest sovereign state is ripe for investment
In 2007, for the fourth consecutive year, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) ranked the Republic of Montenegro as one of the top three destinations in the world in terms of forecast travel and tourism growth over the ensuing decade. And preliminary estimates put Montenegro in second position in the growth ranking for 2008, behind Macau â the Special Administrative Region of China.
To be ranked alongside Asian powerhouses such as China and India is no mean feat for...
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PODGORICA – Ruski oligarh namjerava da ovih dana posjeti Crnu Goru ili poĆĄalje nekog od ?elnika svojih kompanija da razgovara sa crnogorskim vlastima o tom poslu.
Ruski milijarder Roman Abramovi? zainteresovan je da dugoro?no zakupi uvalu Valdanos na Crnogorskom primorju i spreman je da uloĆŸi viĆĄe od 1,2 milijardi EUR. Abramovi? namjerava da ovih dana posjeti Crnu Goru ili poĆĄalje nekog od ?elnika svojih kompanija da razgovara sa crnogorskim vlastima o tom poslu, piĆĄe CG Ekonomist. Intresovanje za zakup Valdanosa, Velike plaĆŸe...
May 12, 2008 :: Ekonomia / Ekonomija, Shtypi / Mediji, Turizmi / Turizam :: Comments Off on Roman Abramovi? zainteresovan za Valdanos
Tags: baie de Valdanos, Crna Gora, die Bucht Valdanos, gjiri i valdanosit, Montenegro, Pla?a Valdanos, Roman Abramovi?, Roman Abramovich, ulcinj, Valdanos, valdanos buchte, Valdanos by Night
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PODGORICA:Montenegro unveiled its first passport in some 90 years on Friday, two years after declaring independence, and said it hoped to agree visa-free travel with the European Union soon.
The new rust-red passport replaces the blue Yugoslav document that Montenegrins have carried since the mid-1990s, when they remained the only members of the rump federation along with Serbia.
It will also carry biometric identifiers — physical characteristics of the passport-holder such as fingerprints or iris scans — as sought by the EU.
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Dans l’objectif de dĂ©velopper et de valoriser son littoral, le gouvernement du Montenegro vient d’ouvrir six stations balnĂ©aires de la cĂŽte Adriatique aux investisseurs Ă©trangers, notamment Ulcinj, ville proche de la frontiĂšre albanaise. Cette derniĂšre, rĂ©putĂ©e pour sa Velika Plaza, plage de 13 km de long bordĂ©e par la vĂ©gĂ©tation, tentera ainsi de dĂ©velopper le tourisme de luxe en dĂ©veloppant de nouvelles infrastructures hĂŽteliĂšres.
Selon le ministÚre chargé du dossier, un tel projet coûtera plusieurs milliards...