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‚‚Cervantes‚‚ is short film based on the life of famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes, centered on the time period when he was captured in Ulcinj as a slave. The film depicts traumas of a prisoner`s life and as well as cultural shock regarding the differences between orient and Occident culture and tradition. But, according to the legend, while being imprisoned, Cervantes falls in love with a local girl, who he later uses as inspiration for the character of Dulcinea in his famous book `Don Quixote`. The film portrays this... Vazhdo
September 3, 2018 :: Lajmet / Vijesti :: Comments Off on CERVANTES – Official short film (Albanian/Montenegrin subtitles)

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Me deshiren tuaj, ne ju krijojme oferta personale turistike per familje, grupe nxensish, studentesh, puntoresh... Vazhdo
July 13, 2018 :: Lajmet / Vijesti, Pushimet në Ulqin :: Komente (6)