Ambassador Uyehara Visits NGO Kranjania in Ostros + Foto
Ambassador Uyehara and Public Affairs Officer Mark Weinberg visited women from the NGO Kranjanija in Ostros. The Ambassador expressed her support for the work they do and encouraged them to persevere despite the challenges. We are grateful to the NGO Kranjanija’s partners over the years: The Business Startup Center in Bar, The Municipality of Bar, and the Local Community Office of Ostros for providing continuous support to these women. We enjoyed Kranjanija’s handmade products and the stories of where they draw inspiration and which materials and techniques they use. If the road ever takes you to Ostros, it will be rewarding
Ambasadorka Margaret Uehara i Šef Odjeljenja za medije i kulturu Mark Vajnberg su danas posjetili žene iz NVO Kranjanija u Ostrosu. Ambasadorka je izrazila svoju podršku za posao kojim se bave i ohrabrila ih da istraju uprkos izazovima. Veliko hvala partnerima koji su pružali kontinuiranu podršku NVO Kranjanija tokom godina: Biznis Centru Bar, Opštini Bar i Kancelariji Mjesne zajednice Ostros. Uživali smo u Kranjanijinim rukotvorinama i pričama o njihovom nastajanju. Ukoliko vas put ikada nanese u Ostros, biće vrijedan trud
Sourc: U.S. Embassy Podgorica Facebook