Arabs need more time for Velika plaza and Ada Bojana
Instead of 1st of September, the deadline for the submission of final bids for Velika plaza and Ada is now the 1st of December: According to unofficial sources, the investor needs more time to get prepared for the development project of Velika plaza, estimated at more than EUR 20 billion. The implementation of the entire project of Velika Plaza would take 20 years approximately. In terms of financial power, the company “Hydra Properties” has no serious rival in the tender competition.
Podgorica – Bids for the tender on long-term lease of state-owned land at Velika plaza and Ada Bojana are to be submitted until 1st of December, which is three months later than originally defined.
The original deadline for the submission of application for participation in the tender was today, 28th of May, but this deadline was also rescheduled and all interested parties now may submit their application until 17th of August.
So far, the tender documentation for tourism development of Velika plaza and Ada Bojana was purchased only by the company “Hydra Properties”, owned by the Royal family of Abu Dhabi.
There is still no official explanation why the deadlines have been rescheduled. According to off-the-record information, the investor needs more time to prepare for the development project of Velika plaza which is estimated at more than EUR 20 billion.
Delegations from “Hydra Properties” visited Podgorica several times already and they introduced their hosts in the Government to the company’s intention to invest in the area near Ulcinj more than EUR 20 billion. In compliance with the plans of Arabs, the first phase of the Velika plaza project would be finished by 2014, and total worth of investments in this period would be EUR 3 billion. The construction works should begin in 2010, and it is anticipated that by then contracts should be signed, projects completed, plan documentation prepared, licenses obtained, etc.
The implementation of the entire project of Velika Plaza would take around 20 years.
In terms of financial power, the company “Hydra Properties” has no serious rival in the competition for Velika plaza and Ada Bojana at the moment. Hungarian “TriGranit”, behind which are powerful investors whose financial power was significantly weakened due to the crisis, has shown interest on earlier occasion.
By Z.V.
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